Foreigner with KBD problems (Hamburg)

Internet und Telefon gestört oder gar ganz ausgefallen? Speedprobleme, die nicht offensichtlich auf die verwendeten Geräte zurückzuführen sind? Dann ist dieses Forum genau richtig!

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Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 11.07.2012, 22:47

Foreigner with KBD problems (Hamburg)

Beitrag von DrHat »

Guten Tag/Abend meine Damen und Herren, Ich bin aus Dänemark. Von daher muss ich mich auch für meine mangelnden Deutschkenntnisse entschuldigen und wäre über Englisch als Kommunitkationssprache überaus dankbar.

Now that I've made this clear, I hope I won't offend anyone for using English.

I currently live and work in Germany, specifically I live in Hamburg in the area around Bergedorf. I am a customer with Kabel Deutschland (duh :P) and I have subscribed for a 35mbit/1mbit Internet Connection.

For quite a while now, around a month or so, I have been having serious intermittent Internet problem. This amounts to my internet going from anywhere to 31 mbit/sec download, all the way down to less than 700 kbit/sec - I have been recording these events via the speedtest site that I also see some of you utilizing. Going by simple calculation, I have reached a conclusion that less than 20% of the time I spend online is spent with the full speed that I am currently paying for - Something I find quite annoying to say the least.

The measures to check to make sure it isn't on my end, have so far involved the following:

Resetting my ethernet card
Trying another ethernet card in my machine
Unplugging and replugging my cables
Testing my cables on different machines and local transfers and so on
Testing, resetting and replugging my router (and cables)
Made sure there is no software firewall running thats screwing anything up
Released my current IP and getting a new one
Called Kabel Deutschland (only to find that they don't speak english..which, I mean I know its Germany, is still a bit odd for when you work to speak.."on the internet" as it were, but I managed to stumble through an explanation in Germany nonetheless) and get them to check things out..still haven't heard back from them about anything after a week. Maybe I'm too impatient but I am after all paying for this stuff.

Additionally I was told by KBD that they thought it was a larger problem in the general area and that they are looking into it..okay great, but that isn't really a concrete enough answer for me, I need to know much more than that and I don't see them acknowledging this anywhere public/open where I can check a status or as far as I'm concerned they may as well be lying to me. I know they probably aren't, but I don't like being kept in the dark.

Anyway, there is my brief story, I hope it wasn't too bothersome to go about in English. I also hope someone has some advice and/or help they can perhaps provide.

Dankeschön und schön Tag :)

- Jacob (aka. DrHat)
Beiträge: 1473
Registriert: 30.11.2008, 12:19
Wohnort: Hamburg

Re: Foreigner with KBD problems (Hamburg)

Beitrag von fLoo »

DrHat hat geschrieben:Now that I've made this clear, I hope I won't offend anyone for using English.
You're welcome.
DrHat hat geschrieben:I am a customer with Kabel Deutschland (duh :P) and I have subscribed for a 35mbit/1mbit Internet Connection.
There is no contract for 35/1 but for 32/2 which might be the product of your choice.
DrHat hat geschrieben:Going by simple calculation, I have reached a conclusion that less than 20% of the time I spend online is spent with the full speed that I am currently paying for - Something I find quite annoying to say the least.
Some parts of Hamburg are quite oversold. If you've got a DVB-C TV-Card or USB-Stick feel free to monitor the network-segment yourself. For more information regarding how-to-do-it read
DrHat hat geschrieben:Maybe I'm too impatient but I am after all paying for this stuff.
In encourage you to call the business hotline - although you are no business customer i think. They got a way higher education there and might speak english more fluently or atleast try to - compared to the 'normal' callcenter agents. (0800 66 47 611)
DrHat hat geschrieben:Additionally I was told by KBD that they thought it was a larger problem in the general area and that they are looking into it..okay great, but that isn't really a concrete enough answer for me, I need to know much more than that and I don't see them acknowledging this anywhere public/open where I can check a status or as far as I'm concerned they may as well be lying to me. I know they probably aren't, but I don't like being kept in the dark.
Callcenter agents most likely cant tell you anything more because they dont know any further details themselves. If they're telling you that there is a problem in your living area, you can trust em. Again, you might want to give the business number a try.
Kopfstation: Hamburg Barmbek Süd (22083) -> Gekündigt wgn. schlechter und überlasteter Kabelnetz-Qualität in Hamburg.

[KDG Helpdesk] - [Kopfstationen & Ausbaustatus]
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 11.07.2012, 22:47

Re: Foreigner with KBD problems (Hamburg)

Beitrag von DrHat »

Thank you kindly fLoo, that is much appreciated. :grin:

I will try and call the business hotline tomorrow.

As for Hamburg being oversold, am I to understand this as KBD selling Internet beyond what they are capable of supplying? If yes, is this not illegal?

Additionally, I would also thank you for replying to me in English - This is very kind. I realize in a forum natively German, nobody owes me any such luxury. Rather I owe people that I speak German, I am working on that :)

Kinds Regards
- Jacob
Beiträge: 3982
Registriert: 04.06.2010, 14:21
Wohnort: Itzehoe

Re: Foreigner with KBD problems (Hamburg)

Beitrag von koaschten »

We are german, not french, we can adapt if required and speak more than one language ;)

On topic of overselling, well thats common for ISPs. They calculate the user base for the average load case. not for peak times from 4pm to midnight. :roll: