Slow connection speed in Regensburg

Internet und Telefon gestört oder gar ganz ausgefallen? Speedprobleme, die nicht offensichtlich auf die verwendeten Geräte zurückzuführen sind? Dann ist dieses Forum genau richtig!

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Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 18.03.2013, 08:44

Slow connection speed in Regensburg

Beitrag von NitroTNT »

My German is still far from perfect, so I will try in English.

This month we ordered 100Mbit/s connection from KB, but...
The maximum speed we got was around 4Mbit/s, normally it's around 2-3Mbit/s with KB speed test, but...
Download from external sites is really slow, around 30-50kB/s.

Am I missing something for example regarding configuration or anything else?
Or is it normal for this company and it's better to get internet connection from someone else?

Beiträge: 15
Registriert: 05.03.2013, 22:53

Re: Slow connection speed in Regensburg

Beitrag von IpMan »

First you should disable possible antivirus and/or firewall software on your PC for testing purposes. Then I would recommend to download a large file and see what speeds you get , ie. from here:
If you are running Windows XP or older, you also need to check network settings like MTU, TCP Receive Window etc. because these settings are not optimized for 100Mbit/s connections. There are tools out there which will configure these settings for you, like TCP optimizer (
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Registriert: 04.06.2010, 14:21
Wohnort: Itzehoe

Re: Slow connection speed in Regensburg

Beitrag von koaschten »

Which hardware did you get from Kabel Deutschland and how are you connecting your devices to said hardware?