I have a SmarDTV CI+ module for my second TV.
The module is retail from Amazon.de (RET-XXX firmware) with Kabel Deutschland branding.
All the encrypted HD senders work except RTL group and VOX.
I get an error about these stations not working with the CI+ module.
I believe I read that the RET versions of the CI+ modules (ie CI+ modules not purchased directly from KDG) don't get firmware updates.
Would I have more success with the Smit CI+ Module (different encryption/smartcard scheme)?
Is this a firmware issue? (ie would I have more success with either CI+ module if purchased directly from KDG and upgraded?)
Or is there just no reliable way with CI+ modules to get HD RTL/VOX?
I know this is a common problem, but couldn't find any conclusive answer about the solution. I figure the answer is one of the following...
- Smit module works (even RET version)
- Need latest firmware, so need to buy CI+ module from KDG (not RET). Either module (Smit/SmarDTV) works.
- Kein chance...no HD RTL/VOX with any CI+ module