[VFKD] Compal & MACbook Wifi problem

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Beiträge: 106
Registriert: 19.10.2017, 18:08

[VFKD] Compal & MACbook Wifi problem

Beitrag von medicol »

Compal CH7466CE cable modem
Internet 200 Mbit/s contract
Wifi 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz both running
Using wifi at 5 GHz MacBook Air see the network, but has a speed of 3 Mbit/s (channel 120)
Using wifi 2.4 GHz is ok.
Cable modem does not let see MacBook connected
Using a PC no problem
Could you please help?
Beiträge: 106
Registriert: 19.10.2017, 18:08

Re: [VFKD] Compal & MACbook Wifi problem

Beitrag von medicol »

no one with wifi problem between compal and Apple?