[VFKD] Low Latency DOCSIS - Wann?

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Beiträge: 44
Registriert: 15.01.2021, 02:54

Re: [VFKD] Low Latency DOCSIS - Wann?

Beitrag von denunge »

LLD is about two things: Lower latency (there are several degress of lower *) and about latency sensitive traffic not getting stuck behind non-sensitive traffic (jitter). The latter is dealt with in the modem and in the CMTS by separating the traffic into two different queues, a quick queue and a slow queue. An application can go to the quick queue by marking its traffic (ip header). The queues are per modem, so the neighbour is not affecting yours.

It also has a positive effect when the segment is congested.

* In its most aggressive config, it will be ~1 ms per customer, but it puts extra overhead on the upstream. It is a feature that will come later - and maybe only to VIP customers. It is the proactive grant service in LLD.