Lose internet connection frequently

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Registriert: 06.03.2023, 14:07
Bundesland: Bayern

Lose internet connection frequently

Beitrag von kyros77 »

Hallo Everyone

I am sorry for the English language, but I cannot write in German yet, and since there is no English phone support I decided to write here in case you can help me.
I have a Vodafone Cable connection of 50 Mbps. I have the standard Vodafone router TG3442DE. The last 2 months my connection is going down too often.
I kept an eye on it and I realized that this is happening when I switch on my smart TV and sometimes when I switch it off. The only solution is to restart the router.
The last week, I lose connection even when I do not start my TV.
Does anyone have any recommendations about this problem? I work from home and loosing connection during a call or a presentation is pain... :(

Thank you!
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Registriert: 28.02.2020, 09:52

Re: Lose internet connection frequently

Beitrag von SenfKabelHer »

It's a crappy router, get yourself an AVM Fritzbox 6591 or rent the equivalent Home Box from Vodafone. That usually solves such LAN issues.
Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 06.03.2023, 14:07
Bundesland: Bayern

Re: Lose internet connection frequently

Beitrag von kyros77 »

That is a quite expensive solution you suggest! :) Do you think that if I reset it will help?
Beiträge: 10603
Registriert: 31.12.2015, 01:11

Re: Lose internet connection frequently

Beitrag von Flole »

Which Firmware version does that TG3442 have? I suspect you're hitting a firmware bug there that's only been fixed recently in a version that hasn't been rolled out yet....
Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 06.03.2023, 14:07
Bundesland: Bayern

Re: Lose internet connection frequently

Beitrag von kyros77 »

Looks like it was a router problem. I got from Vodafone a new Vodafone station free of charge and the problem is gone :)
Beiträge: 10603
Registriert: 31.12.2015, 01:11

Re: Lose internet connection frequently

Beitrag von Flole »

Is it the same model number or is it a different device now?
Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 06.03.2023, 14:07
Bundesland: Bayern

Re: Lose internet connection frequently

Beitrag von kyros77 »

It the exact same Vodafone router only updated. Or at least this is what they said...