
Internet und Telefon gestört oder gar ganz ausgefallen? Speedprobleme, die nicht offensichtlich auf die verwendeten Geräte zurückzuführen sind? Dann ist dieses Forum genau richtig!

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Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 30.04.2013, 18:50


Beitrag von Tyrannous »

Hi, I will write in english because my german is very bad.
I have a serious speedproblem with the Kabel Deutschland router.
I have 2 Pcs connected to the router:
1) Pc with windows 7 directly connected to the router with a normal LAN cable. Speed: 32 mpbs as the contract says.
2) Pc with windows 7 connected to the router via TP-Link Nano TL-PA2010KIT AV200 Powerline Adapter. Speed: 3 mbps
I entered the and this is what i get when checking the ports this is what i get:
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/81 ... ntznx.png/
I watched then at the led of the lan ports of both Pcs:
1) Green led
2) Orange led
How can i change, as the photo shows, my speed from 100 to 1000 or what can i improve in my system?
Thank you,
Beiträge: 3982
Registriert: 04.06.2010, 14:21
Wohnort: Itzehoe

Re: Speedprobleme

Beitrag von koaschten »

According to the product details the powerlan bridge only has a 100mbit network interface, which results in the 100mbit connection in the webinterface of the router.

I rather suspect the issue is that the two power lan devices have a bad connection as your Internet connection from the directly connected PC is fine.

1. Make sure the Power Lan devices are connected as supposed, directly into a wall socket.
2. for testing take a multi plug extension, plug Power Lan devices into it and test with them in the path on your directly to the router connected PC.

Post results.
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 30.04.2013, 18:50

Re: Speedprobleme

Beitrag von Tyrannous »

Thank you for your response,
I did what you said to do, and the revealed speed was of 32 mbps, when the 2 bridges were in the same location.
Now i have a problem with those who are not working anymore in other places...
I will fix it and I will give you the results soon!
Beiträge: 3982
Registriert: 04.06.2010, 14:21
Wohnort: Itzehoe

Re: Speedprobleme

Beitrag von koaschten »

You also might want to check out if it's a phase coupling issue (compare http://www.devolo.com/consumer/faqpr51- ... it.html#37 ) (yes I know I am linking to devolo and not to tp-link, quickest english source i could find)