[VFKD] Can I cut data cabe and reconnect in the future?

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Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 16.06.2020, 18:41
Bundesland: Berlin

[VFKD] Can I cut data cabe and reconnect in the future?

Beitrag von besleen »

My plug (data steckdose) is in the far corner of the house and I can not get the best WIFI signals in the other rooms.
However, in the middle of the house (by chance), the main cable of my house is not under the wall.
I am planning to cut it and make a new "steckdose" there
In the future, If I want to leave the house can I simply reconnect it with a connector so that the new tenant can use the original plug?
I attached the picture of the main cable.
thanks in advance.
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Re: [VFKD] Can I cut data cabe and reconnect in the future?

Beitrag von Besserwisser »

cut it and vorget it.
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 05.10.2021, 10:21
Bundesland: Berlin

Re: [VFKD] Can I cut data cabe and reconnect in the future?

Beitrag von larameyer »

be careful and make sure there is no electricity running through it
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 16.06.2020, 18:41
Bundesland: Berlin

Re: [VFKD] Can I cut data cabe and reconnect in the future?

Beitrag von besleen »

so it is possible as I understand