WITHDRAWAL of the contract

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Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 29.10.2009, 22:15

WITHDRAWAL of the contract

Beitrag von crirocchi »

Sorry if I write in English, I am a foreigner and I still can't speak a good German.
I live in Berlin. I made a contract for Digitaler Kabelanschluss on KD website, but the next day my husband decided for a different solution, so I would like not to activate the contract any more. I know I have 14 days time for the withdrawal (Widerruf des Vertrages?).
The next day I received the decoder and I sent it back.
I have not received any contract so far.
Should I do anything else? Should I wait for a contract or what?
Thank you very much for any help

Beiträge: 879
Registriert: 06.12.2008, 20:06
Wohnort: Hamburg

Re: WITHDRAWAL of the contract

Beitrag von ihk. »

Dear Christine,

I guess it's the best to send your withdrawal to KDG as well. I'm not quite sure about the procedures within KDG but you should use the 14 days time for your withdrawal. May be you could also try to contact them via phone, to explain what happens and know what you have to do right now. But a letter to KDG is an option which you should use.

Beiträge: 3790
Registriert: 31.12.2008, 02:50

Re: WITHDRAWAL of the contract

Beitrag von Nibelungen »

Sending back was the first important step.

With sending back you are sadly only withdrawing from the digital part of the contract. The basic access you have to withdraw also - do that by letter. Write your name/adress on it - you dont have your customer-number (it is printed on the documents - but well, they where in the parcel and I suspect you did not open it).

Send it in a way that you can proof you sent it. You can use fax (and print the sending-report) - or use certified mail. Thats more expensive than standard letter, but you have a proof also.

The documents where inside the parcel you sent back - thats why you have no contract now.

You can withdraw within 14 days - so do it fast *gg*.
Ich hasse Signaturen. Deshalb lasse ich sie mir nicht mehr anzeigen.
Beiträge: 879
Registriert: 06.12.2008, 20:06
Wohnort: Hamburg

Re: WITHDRAWAL of the contract

Beitrag von ihk. »

Hi Nibelungen,

Thanks a lot for your further explanation. The thing with the digital part I forgot and "of course" the contract was not available because it's back on the way to KDG.

Beiträge: 2747
Registriert: 02.03.2008, 17:22

Re: WITHDRAWAL of the contract

Beitrag von Bubblegum »

Well done !
Beiträge: 81
Registriert: 10.08.2009, 13:09

Re: WITHDRAWAL of the contract

Beitrag von knallfrosch »

Nibelungen hat geschrieben:With sending back you are sadly only withdrawing from the digital part of the contract. The basic access you have to withdraw also - do that by letter.
Sorry, that's not correct as far as I see it. As of several years ago, Kabel Deutschland does only promote digital contracts anymore. There is no basic analogue package anymore that you can order, see http://www.kabeldeutschland.de/fernsehe ... unden.html
So with sending back the received hardware equipment, in my opinion your entire contract with Kabel Deutschland will become void.

However, that's only the case if you are a direct customer to Kabel Deutschland. If your landlord offers you basic cable television as part of your rental fee, then you have to cancel that subscription as well.
ehemals MB-Berlin
Beiträge: 14082
Registriert: 15.04.2008, 23:50
Wohnort: Berlin

Re: WITHDRAWAL of the contract

Beitrag von VBE-Berlin »

Nibelungen hat geschrieben:With sending back you are sadly only withdrawing from the digital part of the contract. The basic access you have to withdraw also - do that by letter. Write your name/adress on it - you dont have your customer-number (it is printed on the documents - but well, they where in the parcel and I suspect you did not open it).
This is correct. Please ignore Knallfrosch!

Dass Du Dich nict auskennst ist ja kein Problem. Gb anderen dann aber bitte nicht andauernd falsche Tipps.
Durch Rücksendung des Decoders/SC werden alle digitalen Bestandteile des Vertrages storniert. Es existiert dann normalerweise ein "analoger" Vertrag zum gleichen Preis weiter.

2 x Red Internet 200 (200000/50000)